
Glass Half Full

editorial note: meanwhile we managed to move our production of Tote Bags to Portugal.

From day one we decided that as a brand we had to be accountable for our business decisions. So here we are, for the first time, trying to fulfill that pledge.

Some of you may have already noticed when you make a purchase your product comes inside a tote bag. When we thought of this idea we had three goals in mind: avoid non-reusable bags; offer our customers a “token” of appreciation, and spread the name of the brand. We believe we achieved all of the above.

So what’s the issue?

This tote bag isn’t organic cotton and is made in China.

In contrast to our entire collection, made in Portugal with premium organic fabrics, this gift doesn’t meet the same standards. By now you may be asking yourself how difficult can it be to produce a 60cm bag with organic cotton in Portugal. We actually tried to do it, and the problem wasn’t the lack of suppliers, it was how much they charged for small-scale production like ours.

Could we have done it if we produced 10 000 tote bags? Yes probably. Does it make sense for a small independent brand like ours to produce 10 000 tote bags? Not really.

At the end of the day, we have a bag that you can use to carry your groceries, a bottle of wine, or any other stuff that needs carrying. And you can do it as many times as you want. Although far from perfect, this seemed a better option than a paper bag or even a plastic one. We see it as a glass half-full.

Rest assured that we’ll keep looking for ways to improve our tote bag as we try to balance customer satisfaction with our ESG commitments.

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