
Made in Portugal: Filipe Real Marinheiro

Filipe’s art is spontaneous and raw.

For the second installment of our Made In Portugal series, we sat down with the up-and-coming artist Filipe Real Marinheiro.

Our conversation started at his place and continued a few days later in the streets of Lisbon. We talked about the inspirations behind his art, his creative process, and the overall skate culture. Filipe is a very down-to-earth character with no signs of the ego commonly associated with the artistic creation – maybe skating and falling over concrete time and time again brings that humbleness out of you. What he lacks in extraversion he makes up for it in his paintings. Filipe’s art is spontaneous and raw.

Raised in Grândola, he made his way to the capital at a young age. He’s a self-taught man that doesn’t shy away from hard work, and the openness and availability he showed in this project are a testament to that.

Let’s hear it for Filipe Real Marinheiro.


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